Dental Implants

3 tooth crowns placement over 3 implants

Dental implants are surgical-grade root devices that support permanent tooth prosthetics that are manufactured to last a lifetime. These artificial roots are anchored in the bone beneath the gums where they become fused into the jaw. A crown is mounted atop the implant for a long-lasting and natural looking smile. Many dentists and patients prefer […]

Composite Fillings

Dental fissure fillings

We are a metal-free practice that only offers composite fillings. Composite fillings – also known as tooth-colored fillings – are dental restorations designed to be inconspicuous and natural in appearance. They blend well with the teeth and appear more natural than amalgam fillings, which are darker and more easily seen by other people. Composite fillings […]

Teeth Whitening

Dentist starting teeth whitening procedure with young man

Achieve Amazing Whitening Results With KöR Whitening! Are you tired of your teeth looking yellow? There is a solution: KöR Whitening. KöR is highly rated in dental journals and is effective at taking on tough stain. The KöR Whitening Deep Bleaching System is a highly advanced in-office teeth whitening system designed to give instant results […]

Periodontal Disease

Tooth model cross section with dental mirror tool

Periodontal disease is a highly common infection of the periodontal tissues (gums and bone) that are responsible for supporting the teeth. These infections are caused by bacteria that grow on the teeth near the gum line due to poor brushing and flossing practices. Periodontal disease is known as gingivitis during its earliest stages, which is […]

Dental Emergencies

Cheerful young girl in dental clinic looking at reflection of her smile in the mirror

Dental emergencies occur often in young patients. Though they require urgent treatment, it is important to remain calm and take immediate action. Dental emergencies are any trauma or condition that requires immediate attention. Examples include: Did you know… that more than 1 in 3 kids will experience a dental emergency during childhood or adolescence? Often, these dental […]

TMJ Treatment

young woman suffering from toothache at home

TMJ refers to the temporomandibular joint, which is the bone structure, muscles and connective tissues that surround the jaw and control chewing. When patients experience disorders of this joint, they are said to have a temporomandibular joint disorder or TMD. Symptoms of TMD include pain and tenderness near the jaw, as well as popping or clicking […]

Dental Bonding

Dentist making professional teeth cleaning

Dental bonding is a non-invasive procedure that adheres a composite (tooth colored) resin to the surface of your teeth. It helps to create a brighter, more aesthetically pleasing smile without the use of prosthetics like dentures and tooth implants. This procedure is most commonly used to treat teeth that are cracked, decayed, or discolored. It […]


Full removable denture of the upper jaw of man

Dentures are an effective and affordable way of replacing missing teeth. Composed of a durable plastic resin and sometimes porcelain, both partial and full dentures can be fabricated to look and feel natural. Today’s dentures are custom-fit to make it possible to eat foods with confidence and speak articulately. Depending on the patient’s preferences and […]